M. A. Dhaky The Nirvanakalıha is a Jaina pratistha-tantra of some esteem and antiquity,1 For some years it has been one of the major sources for the study of the iconography of Jainas' Yakşas and Yakşe. The authorship according to the colophon, goes to Pādailpta-San, a disciple of Mandanagani, who, in turn, was a disciple of Sangamasimha, "tho crest_jewel of the Vidyadhara-vamśa of the Svetāmbra-sect." This Sangamasiraha and the Sangamasiddha of Vidyadhara-kula who passed away after fast-untodeath on Mt satrunjaya 10 V S 1064/A D 1008 (according to the contemporancous Pundarika image inscription), are now looked upon as one and the same person 2 The Nirvanakallka may then have to be dated to the first quarter of the eleventh century:
The work is, in main, concerned with the installation rites of Jaina Image and Jaina temple; as a result, it became at samo stage unavoidable on author's part to refer to the architectural members of the temple, The references, though succinct, are pertinent and to some exteat useful alao, for they provide small but significant additions to our knowledge on templo-terminogology.
The first of such references 18 concerning the consecration of the door (doara-pratistha) The toxt, in that context, refers to Yaksesa (Kubera) and Sri (=Laksmi) above the door-sill (udumbara). Next does It mention the door-guardian (dvarapala) Kala together with Ganga, and his counterpart Mabākaia together with Yamuna respectively in the right and left jambs or Sakha-s. The text further qualifies that these six divialties be settled there by "command of Jina" (Jinagħaya)
« dydrapala puja-adikam karma kftvå dyarangani kaşay-adibhih
ardhva-udumbara Yaksesa-Śriyam ca yo atmano dakişiņa-väma-fakhayoh Kala-Gange Mahakala-Yamune voyased iti devala sakam Jiwajñayā gaanirodhya etc "
Next, 10 the context of the invocation and settling of the 'nacious' Chrt-pratistha), the text refers to the sanctuary (garbhagyha) above the antefix on the fronton (Sukandsa).
*Tatab Sukanas ordbvam garbhagshe .. etc "
A little further, the text describes the rites relating to the wall-mouldings and the superstructure of sacred building or prasada. It montions,