Seminar on Jainism
who have inherited Jainism as now is the time to prove worthy of our great tradition. Mr. Nahar strongly pleaded that this great and most auspicious occasion should not be counted as u mere festivity but should be taken as a rare opportunity to ameliorate the teeming millions out of the present tu moil and to guide them to a path of Dharma, Samyama and Tyāga, - to imbibe and practise Samyak Jnāna and Darśana to make us ohtain Samyak cāritra.
In the morning session Dr. D. C. Sarkar, the noted historian and scholar read his paper on "JAIN ART". Prof. Sarhar dealt at length on the contribution the Jain Art has made and said that it is outstanding both from the point of quality and quantity He said that in all spheres of creative art, Jains were supreme. Jain temples are found in Bangla Desh also as in the Soutlı, North and West of our country. Its influence on the cultural pattern of our country is very great and deep. Dr. Sarkar unequivocally subscribed to the view that variety with deep insight, richness with supreme quality and ethos combined with unparallel artistic grace are some of the basic characteristics of the Jain Art. Dı. Sarkar dealt elaborately with these qualities and concluded that time is come, when we must make serious and creative efforts to preserve these noblest achievements of our ancestors, who gave some of the finest and noblest specimen of human art couched in divinity.
Professor S. K. Saraswati, U. G. C. Professor, Calcutta University read his learned paper on JAIN MOTIF IN INDIAN AND EASTERN ARCHITECTURE'. Professor Saraswati dilated upon the 'sarvatobhadrika' style of the Jain Art and enphasised the enormous and valuable contribution, it has made to Indian architecture. Professor Saraswati strongly supported the view that a thorough and scholarly study and research should be undertaken to study the Jain architecture, which is not only historically inportant but is one of the greatest art styles in the world. Professor Saraswati gave details of the survatobl.alrika style and said that a distinctive Jain