Other Rules
jourcal is primarily intended to note researches in Medieval Indian fare. Hence emphasis will naturally on the languages, literature and aral sources of that period. But it also give sufficient space to other les which throw light on Ancient
(1) Contributions iniended for publication
in the Journal siiould be type-written (with double spacing) or legibly written on one side only oi the paper. Copies should be retained by the authors.
Sms of Contributions
Tributions embodying original
orches; abstracts of theses accepted de Unirersity; critical editions of the Mished Sanskrit, Prakrit, bramsa, Old Hindi, Old Gujarati
appreciations and summaries of it and medieval inportant original
notices of manuscripts and textual sms will be published in the
(2) It is presumed that contributions
forwarded for publication in the
Journal are not submitted elsewhere. (3) The copyright of all the contributions
published in the Journal will rest jointly in the L. D. Institute ot
Indology and the authors, (4) Ten oliprints will be given to the
contributors (ree of charge. (5) Titles of books and Journals should
be indicated by single underline, Sanskrit, Prakrit, Hindi, Gujarati terms occurring in the arlicles written in English should be underlined. The standard system of translteration
should be followed. (6) Those who want their wrots to be
reviewed in the Journal should send two copies of the same.
lum of Articles
should be written in any one of Wollowing four languages: Sanskrit,
Gujarati and English. les written in language other than Dish should be accompanied by a Bhary in English
uneration PLD, Institute of Indology will pay Srarium to the authors whose Mabutions are accepted.
Toal Subscription
All contributions and correspondence may please be addressed to
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Director, L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad-9