Surabhi Sheth
In religious ceremonies and therefore they share all the rewards of works14 which accrue spiritual merit and the acquisition of property,26 but points out the opinion of some (eke) that the wife's share in the property consists of ornaments and wealth received from her relations, 2.
23. पाणिग्रहणादि सहत्वं कर्मसु । AP. II. 6.14.17
24. तथा gorफळेपु | AP. II. 6.14.18
25. इम्यपरिप्रहेषु च (AP. II. 6.14.19
26. अलंकारो भार्यायाः ज्ञातिधनं चेत्येके । AP. II. 6,14.9