K. K. Dixit
parcel of the historical sector of Jalna mythology that so fast developed to the post-Asokan era. It is a good indication of the mythological atmosphere permeating the story-texts in question (as also the Bhagayatı stories) that do qualms are here felt when a character is described as a student of eleven Anga texts, a clear case of a text referring to itself. It was perhaps felt that since Jainism along with its twelve Anga texts is an eternal phenomenon no difficulty should arise if the present version of an Anga text refers to celeven Anga texts' ! Be that as it may, much goes to confirm the gurmise that its stories are a fairly late constituent of Bhagayatı. That explalos why the social outlook and social atmosphere characteristic of them are strikingly different from those characteristic of the oldest Jaida texts.
References :
1. 181 a (the commentary for elucidation). 2. 926 b. 3. 229 b (cf, 697a, 720b). 4. The commentary on 229b touching on the point. 5. All references to one-sensed souls which include the earth-bodied, fire-bodied, at
bodied, plant-bodied souls. E.g. 110a making enquiry whether the one-sensed souls
too breathe as do the two-sensed, three-sensed, four-senged, five-senged ones, 6. Against acquisitiveness 97b;
Against violence 490a, 723a, 754a;
Against both 237, 379a. 7. 291 a. B. 295b (the most exhaustive enumeration). 9, 95(the first mention which names eacb). 10, 140b, 373a. 11. For Sāmāyika 288b, 367a,
For Pratyakhyana 368b. 12. 295b, 13. 91b. 14,81b. 15, 91b. 16, prakaroti : 61b.
karoti : 52a, 52b, 63b, 79a. 17, 91b. 18. 410b, 19, 825a, 20. E.g. 225b, 304a. 21. st. 22. 250A, 704a. 23. 1062, 291a. 24. 132, 246, 256, 26a, 52a, 82b.