Daisukh Malvania
According to some there is no sia in drink (a Hut atat etc. and the others count the drink as one of the great sins. The early Tantras as is well-known propagated the drinking of Madya even tor liberating the soul or for the union with God Siva and the Sakti, the mother goddess. But the later Tantras tried to interprete the madya in other way. In the times of Ramayana and Mahabharata the people were addicted to drinks inspite of the preaching against it, Inspite of all this facts if we see the present condition of the Hindu-Vedic society, as regards the prohibition we can be proud of the achievements of the Indian pioneers of prohibition. In Vedic tradition according to the Mabābhārata Sukra was the first Rși who forbade for the first time Brāhmanas from drinking intoxicating drinks and declared that if any Brahmana drank swa thenceforward, he would be guilty of the grave sin of Brahmana-murderl. It should be noted here that it is for the Brahmanas. But in the Mahabhārata itself we find a rare example of Balarama, the first person who prohibited the drink for all without any distinction of cast or creed. But we know his own kins the Yadavas were destroyed due to Surapana. So we can see that it was not possible in those days to achieve the success in the policy of probibition. But stil they must be regarded the pioneers of prohibition
The real success of the prohibition policy is the result of the continuous wanderings of the the monks of the Jaina and the Buddhist Sangha. As they were moving throughout the country and preaching for the prohibition, and not only preaching but followlog themselves the precepts they were able to eradicate the evil from the most part of the Indian Society,
Lord Muhävpra of the Jainas was one of the pioneer upholder of tbe porblbition of the intoxicating drinks. And he himself and his follower monks wandered throughot India and preached the people not to drink wine etc. His theory of Karma induced him to be against of the Intoxicating drinks. He believed that the negligence (918) was the real cause of Karma 1$ And the result of intoxicating drinks was nothing else than the negligence. So in order to liberate one self from the bundage of Karma it has necessary to avoid the intoxicating drinks, That is the reason why out of five type of pramada one is madya,13 and is also included in nine types of vikyti and in four types of mahäviksti (Stba, 274).
Here we may note one of the sūtra of Kalpasūtra : "Monks or nuns who are hale and healthy and of a strong body, are not allowed during the
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