Sankhyanasaka Madhana
I have edited & hitherto unknown commentary (I call it :-) ca the Sarkhya-karika from a single palm-leaf manuscript The author's Dame unfortunately cannot be known, as the corner of the patoslaat broken exactly here and all that we find 15 'ma' followed by a fragt of a letter which could bave been dha' of that and there is (genitivo case-affix ) 10 the Dext line A letter or in kems to be missing at the end of the line This contentary is very much file wbut now known as Mathara-vrtul, but unlike the lalier, it does not have quotation from the Upanışads, Gua, Vişnu Purana, Bhaga ata Pu7474, Hastaisiaka slotra and the like I have shown elsewhere that V, 15 carlier then the Yukti-dipika and that even Paramartha kocw this cum ivealar The mother of V, has a fancy for something novel and I have I suspicion that Mschere was the author of this commentary, and that what is town u to orld is but a revised and enlarged version of it with a Vedant that we bave seen above for what things in particular teachers of other schools remembered Madhava We may see if these could be detected in the orini,
(a) V, criticises more than any other compenları (except M uld to a copy of it-) vedic rites and ethical recommendations based on the
In Its explanation of Ka 2 . (b) The author of V, made a pumber of changes in the brita Bola In an attempt to improve on the origioal wording of the kit concerned A glance at a table of the different readings of certain kuka thot be dotected in the several commentaries enables ope to see her on the the ploncer in this respect was the author of V, and that othon (cthy the author of the Yuklı-di pika, and also Gaudapeda and the mchor of the Jayamangala) attempted to improve cved on the text in V, A t instances would suffice to show this
(1) Kā 24, second homistitch
ekadalakas' ca ganas tanmalrapancakaś cairo (V, TI aindriya ekadašakas tanmalrakah pakcakas calm (1) aindriya ekadatakas tanmatrapalcakaf caiva on ekadalaka ca ganas tanmatrah pancakaš culow (G) aindriya ekadasakas tanmatra-pancakat caira (N)
V scems to have altered the lloc so the interest of the use to me conveyed-to bring forth that the group of eleven endriya Y adalah
The Commentaries of the Sainkhya Kariki - Sud (Accepod by the Crepro
trenity for publication ) on my article 'The Text of the Sankhya Kar (Vidyr, vel. XV. pp. 3-2, J . 1972 - Journal of the Gujarat Untversity, A - Harta)