NM Kansara
in Bengal, and as Kolam in South India 20 Dhanapala informs us that the floor of the pedestal for the purpose was first smeared with sandal paste and then drawings Slastika in colours consisting of powdered pearls were laid on it with dexterous car 21 Shri C Sivaramamurti here sees, though without proper evidence, a reference to the 'Rasa citra' corresponding to the Ishaik holan of South India drawn with a white paste solution 12 We are not sure whether the figure of Şaşthidevi and the Jata-matrpatala, 28 mentioned by Dhanapala in connection with the description of the lying in climber of queco Madırgyti, were of the nature of a Rangavali drawn on the ground, but it is certainly understandable that the niystic line drawn with chacınıd ashes for the protection of the bed of the new-born child and the nother was a sort of simple drawing consisting of scattering the Ashes 10 a continuous circular lide arouad the bed 24
Threshold was the principal place for the Rangavalı both 10 the case of domestic houses and the temples There is a reference to drawing auch Sias ha designs in front of the house, i e, just outside the main door 2u Similarly, the threshold of the temple of Cupid at Kance was adorned with different patterns of creepers all drawo 10 goumerable trots 20 However, Shri C Sivarannamuct is rather mistaken in understanding the term 'Balılarma' in the sense of beautifying the floor of the temple or place of worship it rather indicates that along with the other offerings like riceheap, a pitcher full of cane-sugar juice, and etc, such desigas on the threshold were thuruselves considered to be sacred offering, and also a fit place for other offerings That is why while invoking the help of some unknown spiritual entity for carrying the message back to Harivahaga, prince Kamala gupta had the threshold specially purified by besmearing it with cow-dung
20 Ibid 21 TM (N) p 77 (68)
कुरुत हरिचन्दनोपलेपहारिमदिरामणम् , रचयत स्थानस्थानेषु रत्नपूर्णस्वस्तिकान् p 372 (231) विलिख प्रशस्तललितानितस्तत क्षीरोदमौक्तिकक्षोदै स्वस्तिकान् । 22 ANFDTM p 204 23 TM (N), p 77 (97)
भाहरत पष्ठीदेषीम् , मालिखत आतमातृपटलम् । 24 Ibid. p 77 (11)
निधत पर्यन्तेषु शयमस्य सद्योमन्त्रिता रक्षाभूतिरेखाम् । 25 Op. cit, p 192 (19)
पुरोलिखितरुचिरलेखस्वस्तिकमाषासगृहम् । 28 Op at, p 305 (4FF)
अलिन्दकालिखितबहुवर्णचूर्णपत्रवल्लिना बलिकर्मणा । 27 ANFDTM, P 203