Karuņā and the Significance of its Social Implementation
Dulichand Jain*
Some concepts and ideas are so powerful that they can have the power to transform the human mind and the human condition in a significant say. Karuņā as propounded by the Jaina Tīrthankaras is one such potent tool. The Jaina scriptures teach that life is precious to one and all; hence one should not cause harm even to the sublest form of life. Such an attitude fosters kindness and friendliness which can unite hearts and minds. Live and let live-said Lord Mahāvīra. This slogan contains the answer to many of the problems that plague the world today such as disharmony, war, cruelty, terrorism, pollution, environmental degradation, ecological imbalance - to name a few. Today there is great need to protect the environment and ecology from disaster. Such problems have taken on a overwhelming proportion, and there is a dire need to understand that they have arisen because of our selfishness and self-centredness. They have arisen because we are not in harmony with the universe, with others, and with our own selves.
Lord Mahāvīra was a great seer who strived to halp the masses find peace and happiness. He did this by laying emphasis on nonviolence and compassion. Non-violence is considered one of the five principles or Jainism along with truthfulness, non-stealing, celibacy and non-possessiveness. One is required to conduct one's life in accordance with these principles. Compassion is the practical implementation of non-violence. One cannot practice non-violence without compassion. The practice of compassion sows the seeds of re
Chairman, Karuna International, Chennai, T. N.