Dulicand Jain : Jainism and its Relevance to the Modern
animals to ants and worms, and also to vegetation and grass. Nonviolence is respect for life of every living creature Lord Mahāvīra said, “All living beings desire to live. They detest sorrow and death and want to live a long and happy life. Hence on should not inflict pain on any creature or have any feeling of antipathy or enmity. He said, "ATT Å Hoa por Husi 7 Durg"
It means I have friendship with all living beings. I have no enity with anybody.
He gave a slogan. “Live and Let Live”.
Truthfulness is the second principle and this should be adopted in a three fold manner-in thought, word and deed. This means integrity where my words and my actions and my thoughts are all in perfect harmony. It is further elaborated wherein one not only speaks the truth but also spreads truthfulness by another simple principle which is also three fold-I should myself speak the truth, ask others to speak the truth and support those who speak the truth.
According to the third vow of non-stealing, a Jain must not take anything that does not belong to him without permission--it is said not even a blade of grass from another's garden. This vow has been described in great detail in the Jaina scriptures but some of its broad implications are not taking away another's property without his consent, or by unjust or immoral methods. Not even taking something which may be lying unattended or unclaimed. Not stealing nor encouraging others to do so. How many of us purchase goods from the market of stolen goods? This vow encourages each one of us to live by honest means.
The fourth vow Celibacy means living a life which is free of sensual temptations. Monks are required to observe this vow strictly and completely. For laypersons, brahmacharya means confining their desires within the framework of marriage.
And finally, the fifth vow Aparigraha is the concept of nonpossessiveness. It means living with a clear distinction of need versus