Jagdish Prasad Jain : Jaina Concept of Jiva and Modern Science
karman) or by environment it is called conditioned self; and when it is imbued with pride, conceit or a sense of “I”, “me” and “mine” in body (no-karma) or other substances and as possessing this or other object (s)"#40 it may be described as ego-self. And when the self (jīva) is free from all the limitations of physical karman and is devoid of all the impurities or blemishes of attachment, aversion and passions (anger, greed, etc.), it becomes pure self(shuddha ātman), and attains the state of supreme soul (paramātmā) or liberated self.
40. Kundakunda, Samaysara, Verses 19-22, and Kundakunda, Pravachanasāra,
Verse 183.