Bibliotheca Jainica
Satya Ranjan Banerjee I Text: Editions, Translations etc.
Adipurāņa of Jinasena-ed by Pannalal Jain with Hindi translation and
appendices, Part - 1 (3rd edition 1988), Part - II (3rd edition 1988), Bhāratiya
Jnānapītha, Jnānapītha Mūrtidevi Series, no. 9, New Delhi, 1988. Arthaśāstra of Kautilya ed by Jina Vijaya Muni, with the commentary of
Yoghama, Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavana, Singhi Jaina Granthamālā no. 47, Bombay, 1959.
Bhadrabahusamhitā---ed by Amritalal Savacanda Gopani, Bhāratiya Vidyā
Bhavana, Singhi Jaina Granthamālā no. 26, Bombay, 1949.
Bhuvana-bhānu-kevalī-cariya of Indahamsaed by Ramnikavijaya, Lālabhāi
Dalapatbhāi Bhāratiya Sanskriti Vidyāmandira, L.D. Series no. 54, Ahmedabad, 1976.
Brhat-kathā-koşa of Harişeņa-ed by A.N. Upādhye, with the Sanskrit text
authentically edited for the first time with various readings, with a critical introduction, notes, index etc. Bhāratīya Vidyā Bhavana, Singhi Jaina Granthamālā no. 17, Bombay, 1943.
Chando-nusāsana of Hemacandra Sūried by H.D. Velankar, text critically
edited with Hemacandra's own commentary entitled Chandasacūdāmaņi, an anonymous Tippanaka called Paryāya, various readings, appendix, numerous indices, and an elaborate introduction etc. Bhāratiya Vidyā Bhavana, Singhi Jaina Granthamālā no. 49, Bombay, 1961.
Dānādiprakaraṇa of Surācāryated by Amrtlal M. Bhojaka and Nagin J. Shah,
Lālabhāi Dalapatbhāi Bhāratiya Sanskriti Vidyāmandira, L.D. Series no. 90, Ahmedabad, 1983.
Devānanda-mahākāvya of Meghavijayopādhyāya (Sam 1727) ed by
Becaradasa Dosi, text critically edited in the original Sanskrit with notes, index, Hindi introduction and summary etc. Bharatiya Vidyā Bhavana, Singhi Jaina Granthamālā no. 7, Ahmedabad-Calcutta, 1937.
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