Rajjan Kumar: Paryaya: Doctrine of Pariņāma
of consciousness, such as those of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. in the former and those of colour, such as blue, yellow etc. in the lattar respectively43.
Soul undergoes transformation by its capacity of sentiency (cetanaśakti) into various forms of consciousness (upayoga) like modes of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. while matter undergoes transformation by its capacity of colour (rūpaśakti) into various forms of colour like blue, yellow etc.. The capacity of sentiency cannot be separated from soul-substance and other capacities which are inherent in it. Similarly, the capacity or colour (rūpaśakti) cannot be thought of apart from matter substance and other capacity which are inherent in it44.
Various forms of consciousness of different times like traikālika series of knowledge, self-awareness, etc. have got one capacity of sentiency (cetana) and the series of effective modes (kāryabhūtaparyaya) of that capacity (śakti) are associated with consciousness (upayogātmaka). In matter also the series of various modes of colour like blue, yellow etc. are the effects of one causative capacity of colour (kāraṇabhūtarūpaśakti)45.
Like the series of consciousness in soul, there are continuing together the series of feelings, such as, happiness, sorrow, etc. and the series of desires, etc.. For this reason, infinite capacities of qualities are comprehended by taking into account each individual causative capacity or quality inherent in it - capacity like, sentiency, the causative joy, energy etc. of the series of infinite modes like the modes of colour, smell, taste, touch etc. take place. For this reason, infinite capacities or qualities are cognized by admitting each individual causative capacities or quality of individual causative capacity or quality of individual series like that of the capacity of colour, that of smell, that of taste, that of touch46.
Bhagavatisutra, 2.1.90
44. Theory of Reality in Jaina Philosophy, Sikdara, p. 61
Ibid, pp. 61-62
Ibid., p. 62
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