In the domain of Science, the Chinese discovered the principle of Magnetic Polarity and the Compass which helped enormously, sea voyage and discoveries. While defending her civilization against the invasion of the Mongols, the Chinese discovered and used gunpowder, and many such details of technical development in Asia could be compiled from Chinese Encyclopedias which were published under the Sung (960-1279) and the Ming (1368-1644) dynasties.
Under the patronage of the Ming Emperors the Academy of Letters - Han Lin Yaun, supervised the compilation (1403-1409) in 10,000 manuscript folio volumes the famous Encyclopedia Yung Lo Ta Tien, which gave also a territorial survey of the Empire.
In 1644 the Manchus took Peking by surprise and began the Ching dynasty 1644-1912. In 1677 the College of Inscriptions was founded and affiliated to the Academy of Letters.
We can only barely notice a few important Encyclopedic surveys of modern China : a repertory of works on Painting Pei Wen Chai Shu Hua Pu (708); the Encyclopedia. Yuan Chien Lei Han (1710) and also the T'u Shu Chi Ch'eng cyclopedia in 5020 volumes published in 1726. The best critical edition of the 24 "Standard Histories" was issued by Imperial authorities in 1739-1746. The complete work of the "Four Treasuries", embracing 3462 works, in 36,300 volumes, was assembled in 1772-1781 under the order of Emperor Ch'ien Lung (1736-1795). Under him China invaded Tibet (1751) controlling the succession and temporal acts of the Dalai Lama, conquered Kashgaria (1758-59), invaded Burma (1765-1792), Emperor Chien Lung was significantly remembered by Raja Rammohan Roy, the Father of Modern India, while humourously discussing the case of Chinese converts to Baptist Christianity. Thus China and India, although temporarily seperated by the curtain of oblivion, are predestined to sponsor a new movement in Inter-Asian Relations.
Part II
China and India illustrate admirably the history of cultural cooperation through the ages. From the second century B. C. to the 13th. century A. D. i.e. from the Han to the Yuan dynasty, for over a millennium and a half, India and China have collaborated through exchange of their ideas, their art products, their literature and culture. Our International University would make an unique contribution if we could make available to modern man the knowledge and wisdom stored up in the priceless Classics of China and India which jointly have civilised half of humanity. Planned studies in this line will reveal
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