No.1 July
CONTRIBUTION OF THE JAINS TO INDIAN CULTURE With Special Reference to Non-violence
Jain community, the most ancient religious community of India, emphasized the doctrine of non-violence and the principle of peaceful co-existence which are of utmost importance in today's modern and fast scientifically advancing world. The great leaders of India, Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru had immensely realised the value of these principles. Gandhi used these principles for India's freedom struggle against British imperialism and Nehru strove throughout his life to drive home to the world the importance of these policies in establishing global peace and eschewing global wars.
Mahavira, the founder of Jainism, laid great stress on five vows : 1) Ahimsa (non-killing or non-violence), 2) Satya (truthful speech, 3) Asteya (non-stealing), 4) Brahmacarya (celibacy), and 5) Aprigraha (non-possessiveness). These aim at increasing self-discipline, willpower and inner strength so essential in modern world for solving day-to-day problems.
Jainism observes Ahimsa in every thought and action, for personal and social interest. Jain thinkers have linked ethics with metaphysical ideas and ideals.' Jainism preaches universal love, aiming at good of every being in this world. Jainism lays stress on selflessness, charity, compassion, forgiveness etc. to elevate the soul which contribute to the happiness of others in society. Principles of Jainism help in attaining purity in thought, speech and action. A jewel of an advice put forth by Jain philosophers for practicing by human beings was the insistance upon Right Knowledge, Right Belief, and Right Conduct, which assume especial importance in the today's world replete with all sorts of problems-individual, social and national. The principle of Brahmacarya means nothing but sexual Ahimsā.2
Jain Education International
1. K.T. Tukol, Compendium of Jainism. Karnatak University, Dharrwad, 1980, p.1.
C.R. Jain, Fundamentals of Jainism (a revised edition of Practical Path'), Prabhat Press, Meerut, U.P. (Hindi) 1916. In the foreword by Dr. A.N. Upadhye.
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