29 onwards. This spiritual movement promotes the enhancement of life through the overcoming of tensions and conflicts through meditation. vegetarianism and peaceful activities. They have attracted many Eastern as well as Western followers, their organisation has branches in sixty-two countries. In the U.K. alone, there are more than 250 branches, a magnificent lead quarter in North London and a palatial Retrcat Centre in Oxford. The attraction of the B.K.s lies in their emphasis en meditation on the soul. They also engage in wide ranging social activity and mutual support. Members live both in the wider community and in cominunes, giving extensive financial support to the B.K.s. The degree of support and commitment by members is equal 10 the highest levels found in other religious groups. Part of their Success one attributed to their efficient organisational infrastructure.
b) Sauminurauan
The success of ile Swaminarayan movement lies in the lightly integrated society whicinas created among its members. The monks are the social as w as iclicious leaders of the movement and ive attracted highi cucire ople to the ranks of the movement. Swaminarayan has motarinany young people to become members and to cuigage in rcligous and communal service to the comniunity. Prompted by an ideal of selt elp, everí well-paid professionals have given uplarge amounts of time to seir the movement. Swaminarayat, is a strictly lier urchinal organisation, h ed by a single figure ! ! present fruk Swami
M S . the Sikhs Find the Bahais bare afrastrucs tune with th. We world. They use modern methods to pro Thorales other faitlis. The discipline and brotacriood of
M the coniniunity diner (Langar of Sikhs and the weekly meeting ai different houses the fire side reetings) and the Houses of worship of Bahais are worth taking notice..
What can Jains learn from ive experience of others?
Many of the features of the religious groups described above, their social values, religious practices, etc., are equally present in Jainisri. These include concern for avoiding harm to other living beings, vegetarianism. proper conduct and ethics, philanthropy, animal welfare an ironmental concimn. Now that there are substantial numbers of Jains living in the West. attention must be given first to the preservation of that commity through the next generations and second to the expansion of the Jain community.
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