The Lord Nemi in Image
In image, He sits in lotus pose, crumbled at the edges into the time-worn gray of the pitted stone that long ago sweetly, gave up its form to Him.
As cosmic light, the arc behind His head glows of the omniscience of this naked Lord, stone gaze at eye-level and at peace with Himself.
Mid thorns that turned aside in His term as Lord on earth, circa 1500 B.C. He twice travelled from Gujarat to the Deccan teaching the Jaina right conduct: non-injury by thought, word and deed.
As well, He laid His special blessings on the most forlorn of the womb-born, the slave food-animals and thereby He projected their souls into the spiritual dimension of freedom.
...Even today in this age of holocaust and greed, His blessings reach down to all living beings who follow this distant Lord into non-injury that is the Jaina passage out of body bondage, into soul freedom.
O, praise to the holy presence within the image of the Lord Nemi at Kambadahalli in the Deccan.
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