his inner strength and may not let the environment influence his thoughtactivity and feelings. Similarly, a person can develop the capability to control the effect of fruition of karma on his thought-activity and feelings.
Some Parallels of Transformations of Karma
The Jaina karma theory implies that the material karma particles associated with the soul of an individual contain information on the past thought-activity and passions of the individual. There could be some code for recording the nature (prakrti), duration (sthiti), fruition (anubhāga), etc., and the transference could involve altering this coded information by means of the appropriate thought-activity. This can be compared to the informational role of the nucleic acids, the functioning of our memory and the memory of a computer. Of these, so far, only the working of the memory of the computer is best understood. Modern computers store bits of information in extremely tiny cells. Each cell can store one bit of information and is a two-state device, one state representing a zero (0) and the other state, a one (1). The different characters are represented by different sequences of O's and l’s. For example, the sequence 11000001 represents the letter A and the sequence 11100011, the letter T. The contents of the memory of a computer can be easily changed by altering the sequences of O's and l's stored in the various cells. Very little is known about the functioning of the memory of a living being. "The task of RNA is to act as a copy of the senes and pass on this impressed blueprint for the correct construction of bodily proteins. In theory, therefore, the ability of RNA to handle information seemed to make it a suitable agent for the handling of memory ... ... Memory has three ingredients-registration, retention and recall ... ...If RNA is the chemical that, by having its molecular pattern altered during registration, is the card index basis of memory, this fact does not explain how the card index is either maintained (retention) or used (recall).”(9) However, learning a new solution to a mathematical problem or the new address and telephone number of a friend, forgetting something, etc., constitute changes in the information stored in our memory. The new and developing field of genetic engineering involves manipulation of the genes, i.e., modifying-the information stored in them. These are some examples of modifications of stored information. The mechanism of the various aspects: nature (prakrti), duration (sthiti), fruition (anubhāga), etc.) of bonding and of the various types of transference of karma particles is not understood. However, the phenomena of bonding and transference of karma, which involve storage and modification of information, seem to be similar to the working of the memory
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