Reminiscences of Professor Schubring with Some Glimpses of Academic Life in Germany
Before going to Germany in 1933 I was at Santiniketan pursuing my Pali and Prakrit studies with Pandit (later Mm.) Vidhusekhar Sastri and had already published some research work on the canonical literature of the Jainas. In 1931 I decided to go to Germany for higher studies in Indology and corresponded with various academic bodies for advice regarding facilities availble at different German universities for the study of different branches of it. Professor Schubring's name was practically unknown to Indian scholars at that time, for his writings were almost wholly in the German language. His name was known to me through some foot-note references contained in the writings of some continental authors of recent times, and the only book by him that I had known till then was a small one.
It so happened that Manilal Patel, an old friend, returned at that time to Santiniketan after obtaining a Doctor's degree in Vedic studies at the University of Marburg (Germany) and he remarked, "Schubring is Jainism and Jainism is Schubring." He was of course voicing the opinion, as I later found, of the world of German Indologists, the pioneers in practically all branches of scientific studies on Indology. This information made me decide finally for the University of Hamburg where Schubring taught and I started a correspondence with him forthwith. Also fortunately, the eminent Jaina scholar Muni Jinavijayji happened to come to Santiniketan at the time as the Director of a Jaina Institute founded on a temporary basis by a Jaina millionaire of Calcutta. Muniji had been to Germany and had come in close personal contact with Professor Schubring. From him' I obtained further information about the Indological Seminar of Hamburg University, of which Schubring was the Director.
Jain Education International
I left India in July 1933 and after spending a month in Italy, reached Hamburg in early September. German universities' summer vacation used to be in those days from August to end of October. When I was in Italy I heard from Professor Schubring to the effect that he
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