• 6 Other Attributes
Kesha-lochan (Plucking of own hair) Asnäna (No bathing) Bhumi Shayan (Sleeping on the floor) Adanta-dhovan (No brushing of teeth) Uttisthan-ähär Sevan (Eating food in standing posture)
Ekabhukti (Eating one meal a day only) Some schools maintain monks (not nuns) wearing no clothes, as an attribute in this section. According to them monks have twentyeight attributes instead of twenty-seven.
The Jain ascetics possess the above attributes. Their activities are directed towards the upliftment of their souls to the state of liberation.
3. Obeisance to Ascetics - Suguru Vandana Sutra Vandanä means paying respect to all ascetics such as Achäryas, Upadhyayas, and other Sädhus and Sadhvis. The complete obeisance to ascetics is done during Pratikraman by reciting Sadguru Vandana sutra.
सुगुरु वन्दना सूत्र
इच्छामि खमा-समणो ! वंदिउं जावणिज्जाए, निसीहिआए. अणुजाणह मे मिउग्गहं, निसीहि, अहो-कायं काय-संफासं-खमणिज्जो भे ! किलामो ? अप्प-किलंताणं बहु-सुभेण भे ! दिवसो वइक्कंतो ? जत्ता भे ? जवणिज्जं च भे ? खामेमि खमा-समणो ! देवसिअं वइक्कम, आवस्सिआए पडिक्कमामि, खमासमणाणं, देवसिआए आसायणाए तित्तीसन्न यराए जं किंचि मिच्छाए, मण-दुक्कडाए, वय-दुक्कडाए, काय-दुक्कडाए, कोहाए, माणाए, मायाए, लोभाए, सव्व-कालिआए, सव्व-मिच्छो-वयाराए, सव्व-धम्मा-इक्कमणाए आसायणाए जो मे अइयारो कओ,