Käya-klesha (Penance, tolerating physical pain voluntarily) Sanlinatä (Staying in a forlorn place and occupying
minimum space) 6 Internal austerities
Präyashchitta (Repentance or remorse) Vinay (Humility, Respect for others) Veyävachcham (Selfless service to monks, nuns and needy) Swadhyay (Study of religious scriptures) Dhyana (Meditation) Käyotsarga (Giving up physical activities and staying
absorbed in the soul) 10 Religious Virtues
Kshamä (Forgiveness) Märdava (Humility) Ärjava (Straightforwardness) Shaucha (Contentment - absence of greed) Satya (Truth) Sanyam (Self-control) Tapa (Austerities) Tyag (Renunciation) Äkinchan (Non-possessiveness)
Brahmacharya (Celibacy) 5 Ächär (Codes of Conduct)
Darshanächär (Codes of Acquiring Right Perception) Jnänächär (Codes of Acquiring Right Knowledge) Chariträchär (Codes of Acquiring Right Conduct) Tapächär (Codes of Austerities)
Viryächär (Codes of Exercising Energy or Vigor) 6 Ävashyaks (Essential Duties)
Devapujä (Prayer to Tirthankars) Gurupästi (Devotion and service to Gurus) Swadhyay (Studying of Scriptures) Sanyam (Self-restraints) Tapa (Penance) Däna (Imparting Knowledge and Protection of Life)