7.0 Reflections
7.1 Reflection on Our True Teacher (Sadguru)
By reciting the following sutras we respect our true teacher and his/her qualities.
जे स्वरूप समज्या विना, पाम्यो दुःख अनंत, समजाव्युं ते पद नमुं, श्री सद्गुरू भगवंत.
je svaroop samajyä vinä pämyo dukha anant; samajävyu te pad namu, shri sadguru bhagavant.
I bow to the feet of the Holy Teacher, who explained the true nature of the Soul; without its understanding, I suffered infinite misery.
आत्मज्ञान समदर्शिता, विचरे उदयप्रयोग;
अपूर्व वाणी परमश्रुत, सद्गुरू लक्षण योग्य. ätma-jnän samadarshitä vichare uday-prayog apurv väni param-shrut sadguru lakshan yogya.
The admirable qualities of the Holy Teacher are self-realization, equanimity, compassion, pious speech, and the knowledge of the highest scriptures. He lives worldly life without any attachment or aversion.
देह छतां जेनी दशा, वर्ते देहातीत;
ते ज्ञानीना चरणमां, हो वंदन अगणित.
deh chhatä jeni dashä, varte dehätit;
te gnäninä charanmä, ho vandan aganit.
I often bow to the feet of the Holy Teacher who lives in a human body, but his actions are beyond all attachments to the body and other worldly relations.