Tassa Michchhami Dukkadam 10. Atichär of Desävakäsika-vrata (Vow of Activity of Limiting Space) • I may have violated the space limit I have imposed on my area of
activities. I may have violated the time limit that I have imposed on the
quantity of consumable and non-consumable goods. I sincerely repent and ask forgiveness from all living beings for my above faults, which may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Tassa Michchhämi Dukkadam. 11. Atichär of Paushadha Vrata (Vow of Living an Ascetic's Life of Limited Duration)
I may have violated any of the five ascetic's great vows during my vow to follow an ascetic life for a limited duration. I may have lived an Ascetic life for worldly gain. I may have been careless during the period of my ascetic life and thereby caused harm to living beings while receiving food, walking, sitting or handling objects. I may not have spent all of my time in spiritual pursuits, and may
have engaged in worldly affairs or displayed passions. • I may not have restrained mental, vocal, or physical faculties. • I may not have done Paushadha on auspicious days. I sincerely repent and ask forgiveness from all living beings for my above faults, which may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Tassa Michchhämi Dukkadam.
12. Atichär of Atithi Samvibhäga Vrata (Vow of Charity)
I may have been careless or insensitive in giving food, clothes, shelter, and medicines to ascetics and needy people. I may have served food, clothes, or other things without respect, faith, devotion, contentment, or enthusiasm. I may have done community service only out of obligation. I may have offered food and other items with ill will, jealousy, and ego and for worldly gain. I may not have offered needed items to ascetics even though had the ability to do so.