Recite 4 Namaskar sutra in silence while reflecting on ways in which you may have violated the five main vows of limited nature.
Atichär of Three Merit Vows - Guna-vratas
6. Atichär of Dik Vrata (Vow of Limited Area of Activity) • I may have exceeded the limits which I may have set for traveling
or communication for social or business purposes. • I may have shortened my limits in one direction in order to extend
them in another direction. I may have used a car or other vehicle excessively or
unnecessarily. I sincerely repent and ask forgiveness from all living beings for my above faults, which I may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Tassa Michchhami Dukkadam.
7. Atichär of Bhoga-Upbhoga Vrata (Vow of Limited Use of Consumable and Non-consumable goods) • I may have exceeded my preset limit for the use of consumable
items like beverages, food items, vegetables, and fruits. I may have exceeded my preset limit for the use of nonconsumable goods like clothes, cosmetics, ornaments, number of vehicles, and footwear. I may have consumed food that is obtained or cooked in a cruel manner. I may have consumed food in which there is less to eat and more to discard. I may have been involved in occupations dealing with large scale destruction of animal life, pollution of the environment and natural resources, trading or renting of animals and birds, animal testing, leather, fur, ivory, silk, down, wool, pearls, meat, honey, liquor,
pesticides, and toxic substances. I sincerely repent and ask forgiveness from all living beings for my above faults, which I may have committed knowingly or unknowingly.
Tassa Michchhami Dukkadam.