tassa micchä mi dukkadam.
Oh! Respected Guru Mahäräj,
I may have caused unhappiness to you in regard to serving food or water. I may not have taken proper care of you. I may have disrespected you by sitting at a higher level than you or at the same level as you. I may have interrupted you while you were talking, talked back to you, or tried to prove you wrong. I may have exhibited rudeness to you without my awareness.
I beg your pardon for all the wrongdoings that I may have committed during the day.
3.4 Bowing to Ascetics - Tikhutto Sutra
Tikhutto Sutra
This sutra is recited when a person bows to an ascetic of the Sthänakaväsi or Teräpanthi sect. It is recited in a specific posture while standing with hands folded together in the prayer position. While in the prayer position, rotate hands clockwise three times, one time for each of the first three words of the sutra.
तिक्खुत्तो सूत्र:
तिक्खुत्तो: आयाहीणं, पयाहीणं, करेमि, वंदामि,
नम॑सामि, सक्कारेमि, सम्माणेमि,
कल्लाणं, मंगलं, देवीयायं, चेईयायं,
पज्जुवा-सामि, मत्थएण वंदामि.
Tikhutto Sutra:
ayahinam, payahinam, karemi, vandami, namam-sami, sakkaremi, sammanemi;
kallanam, mangalam, deviyam, cheyiyam; pajjuwa-sami, maththen vandami..
As I turn my hands clockwise three times; I worship, I bow, I respect, and I honor you. You are divine. You are the remover of obstacles. You are like a God. You are an ocean of knowledge. I serve you; I bow my head to my Guru.