3.0 3rd Essential: Vandanä - Respecting Ascetics The monks who have left all their worldly possessions are our religious guides and we bow to them.
3.1 Bowing to Ascetics - Ichchhämi Khamäsamano Sutra
Different sects recite different sutras when one bows to an Ascetic. We have included two such sutras.
Ichchhämi Khamäsamano Sutra
This sutra is recited by members of the Shvetämbar Murtipujak sect. This Sutra is also known as Panchäng Pranipät Sutra as this Sutra is recited while offering obeisance in a specific posture where five body parts, namely two hands, two knees and the forehead, touch the floor together.
This Sutra is recited in front of an ascetic at an Upäshray (temporary living place for monks) for a total of two times. During the Pratikraman ritual one must stand up and perform the ritual as indicated and recite the sutra two times to the symbolized Guru (The same sutra is recited three times in front of a Tirthankar idol at the temple).
खमासमण सूत्र:
इच्छामि खमा-समणो! वंदिरं, जावणिज्जाए निसीहिआए, मत्थएण वंदामि.
Khamäsamana Sutra
icchämi khamä-samano! vandium, jävanijjäe nisihiäe, matthaena vandämi.
With all my strength and renouncing all wrongful acts, I bow my head to the Tirthankars or Ascetics.
इच्छकार सूत्र
3.2 Wellness of Guru - Icchakära sutra
This sutra is recited while offering obeisance to Guru Mahäräj. In this Sutra, a devotee inquires about Guruji's well-being, so it is known as Guru Sukha Shätä Sutra.
इच्छकार सुह-राइ ? (सुह-देवसि?) सुख-तप ?
शरीर-निराबाध ? सुख-संजम यात्रा - निर्वहते हो जी ?
स्वामि ! शाता है जी ? आहार- पानी का लाभ देना जी. ..1.