• Whoever may have been tormented by being turned upside down;
Whoever I may have shifted from one place to another; • Whoever I may have made lifeless. May all that be forgiven and may all the suffering | caused, knowingly or unknowingly, come to an end.
May the ignorance in me that caused pain to other living beings come to an end, and may they all forgive me.
1.6 Käyotsarga - Tassa Uttari and Annattha Sutra After requesting forgiveness from all living beings of the universe, the next step is to discipline one-self in order to avoid future sins. This is done via Käyotsarga (motionless body) and introspective meditation on a Jain prayer. This meditation also helps reduce our Kashayas, which in turn reduces our past bad karma. By reciting Tassa Uttari Sutra, one states the intention of meditating in a motionless posture. By reciting Annattha Sutra, one enumerates the list of minor violations that may happen while in a motionless yoga posture.
तस्स उत्तरी सूत्र
तस्स उत्तरी-करणेणं, पायच्छित्त-करणेणं, विसोही-करणेणं, विसल्ली-करणेणं,
पावाणं कम्माणं निग्घायणट्ठाए, ठामि काउस्सग्गं. Tassa Uttari Sutra: tassa uttari-karanenam, päyacchitta-karanenam, visohi-karanenam, visalli-karanenam, pävänam kammänam, nigghäyanatthäe, thämi käussaggam..
Meaning In order to repent and atone my sins, purify my soul, remove obstacles, and stop future sinful activities, I will undertake meditation for certain duration in a motionless meditative posture (Käusagga).