Sūtras and the Tantras' (pp. 99–115). Tibetan music: Alice Egyed, “Notes on the Origin of Tibetan Religious Music' (pp. 191-198). Tibetan medicine: G. Somlai, "Preliminary Investigation of a Tibetan Medical Chart' (pp. 313-319). History of Tibet: Alexander W. Macdonald, Religion in Tibet at the Time of Srong-btsan sgam-po: Myth as History' (pp. 129-140); Turrell V. Wylie, 'Khubilai Khaghan's First Viceroy of Tibet' (pp. 391-404); H. E. Richardson, 'Reflections on Translation of a Tibetan Passport Dated 1688 A.D. by Alexander Csoma de Körös, 1833 (pp. 211-214); A. S. Martinov, 'The Sa-skya Episode in the Nepal Campaign of 1791-1792' (pp. 153-158).
Tibetan chronology: Géza Uray, 'The Earliest Evidence of the Use of the Chinese Sexagenary Cycle in Tibetan' (pp. 341-360); Zuiho Yamaguchi, 'Methods of Chronological Calculation in Tibetan Historical Sources' (pp. 405-424); Ramon Prats, 'Tshe-dban-nor-bu's Chronological Notes on the Early Transmission of the Bi ma Sñin thig' (pp. 197-209); Yoshiro Imaeda, 'Mémento chronologique (bstan-rtsis) du calendrier bhoutanais' (pp. 303-320). Tibetan geography: Elena de Rossi Filibeck, ‘Names of Known and Less Known Places in Yer pa' (pp. 237-247); Wang Yao, 'Study on the Names and the Location of the Skya Ring and the Sngo Ring, Two Big Lakes at the Source of the Yellow River' (pp. 361-365). Tibetan law: Dieter Schuh, 'Recht und Gesetz in Tibet' (pp. 291-311).
Mongolian studies: Louis Ligeti, “La version mongole des Douze actes du Bouddha' (pp. 7-76); Manfred Taube, ‘Nachlese zum Mongolischen Turfanfragment des Bodhicaryāvatāra' (pp. 327-339); Magdalena Tatár, 'Nature Protecting Taboos of the Mongols' (pp. 321-325).
Tangut studies: Mary Ferenczy, 'The Formation of Tangut Statehood as Seen by Chinese Historiographers' (pp. 241-249); E. I. Kychanov, 'From the History of the Tangut Translation of the Buddhist Canon' (pp. 377-387).
Uigur studies: K. Czeglédy, The 'Foundation of the Uyghur Kingdom' (p. 159-163); Peter Zieme, 'Indischer Schlangenzauber in uigurischer Überlieferung' (pp. 425-440). Nanchao: Ilkidó Ecsedy, 'Nanchao: an Archaic State Between China and Tibet' (pp. 165–189).
1 'Les biographies d'Alexandre Csoma de Kőrös', JA, 1984, pp. 403-423.
Australian National University
T.C.H. Raper (ed.). Catalogue of the Pāli Printed Books in the India Office Library. Revised by M.J.C. O'Keefe. London, The British Library, 1983. IV, 80 pp. £12.00.
Indo-Iranian Journal 30 (1987).