* Parts of this paper were read at several occasions during my stay in Japan from April 1991 to April 1993: Waseda University (Tokyo), Ryūkoku University (Kyoto), the International Institute for Buddhist Studies (Tokyo), the University of Hiroshima, and the University of Kyoto. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Profs. T. Iwata, E. Mikogami, A. Yuyama, Sh. Katsura and K. Mimaki for inviting me to their institutes and to all the participants of the lectures for the helpful criticism and remarks. I also gratefully acknowledge the grants from the Japanese-German Center Berlin and from the Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai which made my stay possible. Finally I would like to thank Ms. Sophie Kidd, lecturer at the University of Vienna, for correcting my English. ! Cf. PPar II and Krasser (1991). For more information on this text and Dharmottara in general see the introductions to these two volumes. 2 An edition and translation of this text is in preparation. 3 Cf. pramanam avisamvādi jñanam PV II lab. 4 Cf. below notes 6 and 7. S PPar II 5,2f. In my German translation (Krasser 1991, p. 36) the equivalent for rab tu bstan pa is missing. 6 PV II lab; PV III 56ab; PVin I 30,17f,; HB 3,14-16 and the unidentified quotation. 7 Ishad mali sgra, nid kyis mi slu ba nid thob pa na ran gi mishan nid rtogs pa Les PPar II 4,17€. Since Dharmottara refers to other passages in the Pramanaviniscaya, the Pramanavärttika and the Hetubindu immediately prior to this, this unidentified quotation must be considered as having its source in one of Dharmakirti's texts, too. . He either quotes HB 3,8f. (tasmad anadhigatarthavisayam pramānam ity apy anadhigate svalaksana iti visesaniyam) as in PPar II 5,15-17, or he merely takes over the formulation as in NBT 19,2f. (ata evānadhigatavisayam pramānam), PPar II 11,2, and PVint(a) 9,14-16. A similar phrase of Dharmakirti occurs in PVin 1.60,17f. (tshad ma ni ma rtogs pa'i yul can yin pa nid kyi phyir te). 9 The disjunction va is interpreted by the commentators quite differently; for references cf. Krasser (1991), p. 29 n. 3. 10 This explanation is based on PPar II 13,1-14,2; especially 13,15ff. Cf. also Krasser (1991), p. 50 ns. 78 + 79. !Note the rare usage of the term savikalpikapratyaksa; cf. below note 12. 12 Although perception by definition lacks conceptual construction (kalpanapodha), Dharmottara specifies it as being conceptual (savikalpika) and of determining nature (adhyavasāyātmaka), expressions which are normally used at least by later Naiyāyikas 4. Who first used this term is not yet clear. Regarding the meaning of 'conceptual' and 'non-conceptual perception', cf. Lambert Schmithausen (1963), 'Vorstellungsfreie und vorstellende Wahrnehmung bei Sālikanātha', Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde Süd- und Ostasiens 7: 104-115.
a Vācaspatimiśra ad Nyāyasūtra 1.1.4: iha dvayi pratyaksajātir avikalpikā savikalpikä сeti ... tatrāvikalpikāyāḥ padam avyapadeśyam iti savikalpikäyās ca vyavasāyātmakam iti (Nyāya vārttikatātparyatikā 108,22-24 in: Nyāyadarśanam.