________________ Vol. II/No. 4. Eternal Wisdom "araf a chegada "Warta Cha Kautukawati विशदा च विद्याः, लोकोत्तरः Wishada Cha Widyaha, Lokottaraha परिमलश्व कुरंगनाभे / Parimalashcha Kuranganabhehe; Tailasya Binduriwa Warini Durniwāraमेतत्त्रयं प्रसरतीह किमत्र चित्रम?॥ Metattrayam Prasaratiha Kimatra Chitram ?" "The news which have an element of unusualness, the knowledge which is pure and the fragrance of Kasturithese three, just like a drop of oil on water, spread every where : about this, there is nothing surprising." "So let me go to the king before he comes to know of the arrival of the Guru, and let me, by stratagem, take the king to him; so that he has the benefit of coming into contact with a holy man ( H ). Because it is said : "जाड्यं धियो हरति .f fa aile Fri, मानोन्नतिं दिशति पापमपाकरोति। चेतः प्रसादयति दिनु तनोति कीर्ति, सत्संगतिः era o nota SHH?!" "Jadyam Dhiyo Harati Sinchati Wachi Satyam, Manonnatim Dishati Papamapakaroti; Chetaha Prasadayati Dikshu Tanoti Kirtim, Sat-sangatihi Kathaya Kim Na Karoti Pumsam ?" "The. Satsanga ( Hasin) of holy men leads to the removal of the dirt covering one's intellect; it gives honesty to one's speech, makes one's mind joyous, and spreads one's prestige everywhere. So o friend! what can this (ie. such Satsanga) not give?" Having so thought, the Chief - Minister Chitra went to his majestey, the king Pradeshi, and said: "O Lord ! today is a very bright and pleasant day, as there is the