"stage of establishing oneself" (stādhișthanakramaḥ, bdag la byin gyis rlob pa'i rim pie)35
(c) "discernment of the three knowledges" 31 (ñūnutraya ricetunam, ye ses gsum po rnam brlugs pr) refers to the second step, the stage of purification of mind" (ciltuvišuddhikramaḥ, sems rnam par day pri'i rim pr).
4. The ultimate meaning" finally has the two functions related to the fourth and fifth step:
(d) “illumination of the Clear Light" (prabhusuraprakāśaḥ, 'od gsul ba rab ston) refers to the fourth step, the “stage of total enlightenment” (ubhisumbodhikroh, mnon par byan chub pa'i rim p.).37
(c) "awakening towards coincidence" (yngrinuddhuprabohrenam, cun du 'jug jurtos pu) belonging to those on the last level of the "stage of coincidence" (yuganuddhukramah, cun du "jug pri rim pa).
This well-arranged Istem of meanings of the tantric revelation3s gives
35 It is artually the prodicate in the definition of this kriemuh in Phr [V v. 10ab).
36 The threknowl.lgs are defined in Pkr III vv. 4 f., 7 ff., 15 ff., 23 ff., 37ab; Matsunaga prefers to use the form trynjñārim (loc. cit., passim), but I find only (vi)jñā. natryc (-5. Pkr II v. fbie, III v. tib, v. 36c). Cf. A. Waymun, Notes on the Sanskrit term jñānre: J4OS 75 (1955). pp. 253-268.
37 Cf. PK?ip 44,2 f.: arresūryoprulesakam iti prublāsiverier. Earl erre cuiturthābhisumborlh ih.
38 Cf. table. The tomy with asterix are supplemented on the basis of Bhavyakirti's comments (Prarl, abhis. prok. f. 10%b2-109al). "Fourjolil erpla Variety
Levels of understanding nation" 1. akşarúrthaḥ 1. cyrut pritti prukāśa- .
1. bāhyrıšāstravidaḥ tshig gidon, bkort pris rab bstan pa
phyi rol bstan bcos nikhas pa yi ge'i don 2. salinastanyam 2. kurtyniniurttitaḥ
2. sütrāntādau proprinūh spyi'i don
'yyorl pre zlog par byerl pa | nuo 80:lít rub augs pa 3. utprilikram yogit
3. *ul pattikrinh (kriya, bskyl pr’i rim van lian pa caryā, yogatartir followers)
bskyeol pri'i rim po 3. garbhi
4. ragadharmaprokūšana- 4. *sumpinnakrivih: shrs pot . Pol chags chos rab ston rdzos pa'i rim pre
a. *vajrijā prikrumah
rdo rje balus pa'i rim pri 5. semesteḥ sittynsambordhah 6. *srūdhisthānnkruunuh kun riisob bilen pa rtogs pa bdag la byin gyis rlob pa'i
rim pre 6. jñānatrayaricetanam
c. *cittavisuddhikrumah ye ses osumn po mam brlags pa sems rnam par dag pa'i
rim pri