L. 1. Sa 40 + 7 gra 2 di 20 etasyâ purvvâye Varane gane Petidhamikakulavachakasya Rohanadisya sísasya Senasya nivatanam savaka-Da
2. ...pashâņavadhaya Giha..ka.bha.. prapå [di] nå..må ta...
which I translate--
"The year 47, the summer (month) 2, the day 20,--on the above date a drinking fountain was given by ..., the ... of the lay-disciple Da ... (this being) the nivatana of Sena the pupil of Rohanadi (Rohanandi) and preacher of the Petidhamika (Praitidharmika) line, in the Varana school."
Varane must be a mistake for the very similar word Chârane. The second kula of this gaņa which, according to the Kalpasútra (S.B.E. vol. XXII, p. 291) was founded by Srîgupta, the fifth pupil of Arya Suhastin, is the Prîtidharmika (p. 292). It is easy to see that a similar name is hidden in the compound Petivamikakutavachakasya 'of the preacher of the Petivamika line'; and an inscription excavated by Dr. Fuhrer at Mathurâ mentions the Petivâmika (kula) of the Varana gana. With the second line little can be done: if the letters prapå are correct and form a word, one of the objects dedicated must have been a drinking fountain.
6. The inscription No. 20, plate xv offers likewise slightly corrupt and mutilated names of a gaņa, a kula and a sâkhå, mentioned in the Kalpasútra. In the lithographed copy lines 3-7 are hopeless and there is no rubbing to help. The word thitu 'of a daughter' in line 6, and the following ma.uya which is probably a misreading of mâtuye 'of the mother' show that this dedication also was made by a female. The last four syllables vato maho are probably the remnant of another namaskara--namo bhagavato Mahavírasya. As regards the proper names, Aryya Rehiniya is an impossible form; but on comparison with the next inscription to be mentioned, it is evident that the stone must have read Aryvodchikiyâto or Aryyadehikiyâto g>ņâ[to] [49] According to the Kalpasútra (S.B.E. vol. XXII, p. 291) Arya-Rohana was the first pupil of Arya Suhastin and founded the Uddeha gana. The latter split up into four śâkhâs and into six kulas. The name of its fourth sakha, Pûrņapatrikâ, closely resembles--especially in its consonantal elements--that of the inscription, Petaputrikâ, and I do not hesitate in correcting the latter to Ponapatrikâ which would be the equivalent of Sansk. Paurņapatrika. Among the six kulas is the Parihâsaka, and considering the other agreements, I believe it probable that the mutilated name read as Puridha.ka is a misreading of Parihâka, We may emend the first two times and read as follows --
L. 1. Siddham namo arahato Mahâvir|a|sya devanâśasyarajña Vasudevasya samvatsare 90+ 8 varshamåse + divase 10|1 etasya.
2. purvvlâlyle Aryyo-Dehli kiyâto ganâ[|to| Pla|vi|hâsa|k|a|kula|to|P|ou|ap|a|trikât|o| śâkâto gani sya Aryya-Devadatta sya na... ...
3. ryya-Kshemasya
4. prakagirine