W. B. Bollée
Ja abu-jyu.i
(N 193) Affection between the two. Messenger He put a question to Abhaya. In the idea that there might be a sudden co aprehensive intuition (for Abhaya) a statue secretly travelled with this very (messenger).
Rahamsi: iyara-divase Abhayassa dhukko. Abhaya kumāra-sattam pāhu dam uvanei bhanio ya, jahā Adda-kumāro añjalim karei, teņa pāhudam paditthiyam dūo ya sakkārio. Abhayo vi parināmiyāe buddhie parināmeuna so bhava-siddhio jo mae saddhim pım karei. Evaṁ sarkappeūna padimā kārijjai. Tam mañjūsāe chodhum acchai. So due anna yâvi apucchai. Tena tassa mañjüsāe (padimā) appiya bhanio ya eso, jahā kumaro bhannai eyam mañjūsam rahasse ugghadejjāsi, mā mahā - yana-majjhe, jahā na koi pecchei (Cü 415, 7 sqq.). As Ţ II passes over these details of the statue story, he already may have read and not understood rahammi.
(N 194) At (its) sight he did receive a revelation and, though guarded, he made off riding horses. Renouncing the world though held back, he did not rule. Who else (would)?
Āsāna vāhana : aśva-vāhanikayā vinirgataḥ (T II 138a 14). Cf. N 197 suyāna pucchana.
(N 195) Disregarding (a deity's warning) he fled the world, but remained under a layman's vow. (Then) he was sought in marriage by a young woman. Streams of golden gifts. Telling the king and queen.
(N 196) It was he whom her father brought her. Question and story about the way of choosing. You must recognize him by a disk on his feet / the shape of his feet. His arrival. Story. His renouncing worldly life.
(N 197) Near the man with the layman's vow she was constantly surrounded by others. The answer. Enjoyments. A children's question. The tying up by his son and his leaving into homelessness when (the 12 years' period) had come to an end.
(N 198) At his return to Rāyagiha (his former guardians had become) dacoits out of fear of the king. Their story and renunciation. The dispute with a Gosāla and a Buddhist monk, a brahmin, a Tridandin, and an ascetic.
(N 199) After being besieged in a religious dispute all of Ardraka's companions sought spiritual refuge with Mahāvīra and left worldly existence.
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