For Karma Particle to attach to the Soul which Karma Bondage:
Bhava karma and Nokarma are nimitta causes (catalytic agents) of new Dravya karma bondage attach to the soul. However, the Upadan or real cause is Karma particles that existed at that moment.
⚫ In this process Nokarma are not being affected. They are just present in their own state and this presence is also called Nimitta cause.
Types of Bhava Karma
At every moment, we are engaged in some type of mental activities. These mental activities or inner reflections (Bhava) are classified into three categories as follows:
• Non-virtuous Reflection is called Ashubha Bhäva.
• Virtuous Reflection is called Shubha Bhäva
• Pure Reflection is called Shuddha Bhäva
The Shuddha Bhäva is the true nature of the soul which is known as Knower and Observer. This is devoid of any attachments or desire of any accomplishment.
However, he continues to do virtuous work. In other words, the reflection is known as Knower and Observer, but the work is always Virtuous with full of Compassion. There is no Doer or Karta Bhav exist.
Types of Dravya Karma
In Jain philosophy the Dravya karma are classified as four Ghäti and four Aghäti karma The same karma are also classified in a different way into Punya and Päp karma categories. Four Ghäti Karma
Ghäti Karma obscures the true nature of the Soul and they are defined as follows:
Mohaniya Karma
Deluding Karma obscures blissful nature or
happiness or Samyak faith, Samyak knowledge, and Samyak conduct of the soul
Obscures infinite Knowledge of the soul
Obscures infinite Perception of the soul
Obstructs infinite Power and Energy of the soul
Jnänävaraniya Karma
Darshanävaraniya Karma Antaräya karma
Four Aghäti karma
Aghäti karma creates physical body, physical mind, social environment, and life span for the soul.
Vedaniya Karma
Creates Favorable or Unfavorable Physical Environment
for the Soul such as healthy body, human life, shorter life span etc.
Näm karma
Gotra karma Äyu karma
Physical Body and Physique Determining Karma
Status Determining Karma
Life Span Determining Karma