Luke 22:13 already furnished. Make preparations royal power to me. 30 Thus you will eat and there.” 13 They went and found everything drink at my table in my kingdom, and you just as he had told them, and they prepared will sit on thrones overseeing the twelve the Passover meal.
tribes of Israel.
The Passover meal
Peter's denial predicted 14When the time came, Jesus took his 31“Simon, Simon, look! Satan has asplace at the table, and the apostles joined serted the right to sift you all like wheat. him. 15 He said to them, “I have earnestly 32 However, I have prayed for you that your desired to eat this Passover with you before faith won't fail. When you have returned, I suffer. 16I tell you, I won't eat it until it is strengthen your brothers and sisters." fulfilled in God's kingdom." "After taking a 33 Peter responded, “Lord, I'm ready to go cup and giving thanks, he said, “Take this with you, both to prison and to death!" and share it among yourselves. 18 I tell you 34 Jesus replied, "I tell you, Peter, the that from now on I won't drink from the rooster won't crow today before you have fruit of the vine until God's kingdom has denied three times that you know me.” come.” 19 After taking the bread and giving thanks, he broke it and gave it to them, say- Call for preparedness ing, “This is my body, which is given for you. 35 Jesus said to them, “When I sent you Do this in remembrance of me.” 2°In the out without a wallet, bag, or sandals, you same way, he took the cup after the meal didn't lack anything, did you?" and said, “This cup is the new covenant by They said, “Nothing." my blood, which is poured out for you. 36 Then he said to them, “But now, who
21“But, look! My betrayer is with me; his ever has a wallet must take it, and likewise hand is on this table. 22 The Human Ones a bag. And those who don't own a sword goes just as it has been determined. But must sell their clothes and buy one. 37I tell how terrible it is for that person who be- you that this scripture must be fulfilled in trays him.” 23 They began to argue among relation to me: And he was counted among themselves about which of them it could criminals. Indeed, what's written about me possibly be who would do this.
is nearing completion.”
38They said to him, “Lord, look, here are The disciples debate greatness
two swords.” 24 An argument broke out among the He replied, “Enough of that!" disciples over which one of them should be regarded as the greatest.
Jesus in prayer 25 But Jesus said to them, “The kings of the 39 Jesus left and made his way to the Gentiles rule over their subjects, and those Mount of Olives, as was his custom, and in authority over them are called 'friends of the disciples followed him. 40When he arthe people? 26 But that's not the way it will rived, he said to them, “Pray that you won't be with you. Instead, the greatest among give in to temptation." "He withdrew from you must become like a person of lower them about a stone's throw, knelt down, status and the leader like a servant. 2750 and prayed. 42 He said, “Father, if it's your which one is greater, the one who is seated will, take this cup of suffering away from at the table or the one who serves at the table? me. However, not my will but your will must Isn't it the one who is seated at the table? But be done." 43 Then a heavenly angel appeared I am among you as one who serves.
to him and strengthened him. 44He was in 28 “You are the ones who have continued anguish and prayed even more earnestly. with me in my trials. ?' And I confer royal His sweat became like drops of blood fallpower on you just as my Father granted ing on the ground. 45When he got up from
• Sor Son of Man hisa 53:12