Luke 7:48:
to ask him, “Are you the one who is coming, eating and drinking, and you say, 'Look, a or should we look for someone else?" glutton and a drunk, a friend of tax collec
20When they reached Jesus, they said, tors and sinners.' 35But wisdom is proved to "John the Baptist sent us to you. He asks, be right by all her descendants." 'Are you the one who is coming, or should we look for someone else?”
Forgiveness and gratitude 2Right then, Jesus healed many of their 36 One of the Pharisees invited Jesus to diseases, illnesses, and evil spirits, and he eat with him. After he entered the Pharigave sight to a number of blind people. see's home, he took his place at the table. 22 Then he replied to John's disciples, “Go, 37 Meanwhile, a woman from the city, a sinreport to John what you have seen and ner, discovered that Jesus was dining in the heard. Those who were blind are able to see. Pharisee's house. She brought perfumed Those who were crippled now walk. People oil in a vase made of alabaster. 38 Standwith skin diseases are cleansed. Those who ing behind him at his feet and crying, she were deaf now hear. Those who were dead began to wet his feet with her tears. She are raised up. And good news is preached wiped them with her hair, kissed them, and to the poor. 23 Happy is anyone who doesn't poured the oil on them. 39When the Pharistumble along the way because of me." see who had invited Jesus saw what was
24 After John's messengers were gone, happening, he said to himself, If this man Jesus spoke to the crowds about John. were a prophet, he would know what kind "What did you go out into the wilderness of woman is touching him. He would know to see? A stalk blowing in the wind? 25What that she is a sinner. did you go out to see? A man dressed up in 40 Jesus replied, “Simon, I have somerefined clothes? Look, those who dress in thing to say to you." fashionable clothes and live in luxury are "Teacher, speak," he said. in royal palaces. 26 What did you go out to 41“A certain lender had two debtors. see? A prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more One owed enough money to pay five hunthan a prophet. 27 He is the one of whom dred people for a day's work. The other it's written: Look, I'm sending my messenger owed enough money for fifty. 42When they before you, who will prepare your way before couldn't pay, the lender forgave the debts you.° 281 tell you that no greater human of them both. Which of them will love being has ever been born than John. him more?" Yet whoever is least in God's kingdom is 43 Simon replied, “I suppose the one who greater than he.” ?Everyone who heard had the largest debt canceled.” this, including the tax collectors, acknowl- Jesus said, “You have judged correctly." edged God's justice because they had been 4 4 Jesus turned to the woman and said to baptized by John. 3°But the Pharisees and Simon, “Do you see this woman? When I enlegal experts rejected God's will for them- tered your home, you didn't give me water selves because they hadn't been baptized for my feet, but she wet my feet with tears by John.
and wiped them with her hair. 45You didn't 31"To what will I compare the people of greet me with a kiss, but she hasn't stopped this generation?” Jesus asked. “What are kissing my feet since I came in. 46 You didn't they like? 32 They are like children sitting in anoint my head with oil, but she has poured the marketplace calling out to each other, perfumed oil on my feet. 47 This is why I tell 'We played the flute for you and you didn't you that her many sins have been forgiven; dance. We sang a funeral song and you didn't so she has shown great love. The one who is cry.' 33 John the Baptist came neither eating forgiven little loves little." bread nor drinking wine, and you say, 'He 48 Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are has a demon.' 34 Yet the Human One came forgiven."
0 °Mal 3:1 POr Son of Man Or five hundred denaria 'Or fifty (denaria)