95 [ Untainted—by Nescience ; hence Absolute. ]
शिष्य उवाच । मिथ्यात्वेन निषिद्धेषु कोशेष्वेतेषु पञ्चसु । सर्वाभावं विना किञ्चिन्न पश्याम्यत्र हे गुरो। विज्ञेयं किमु वस्त्वस्ति स्वात्मनाऽऽत्मविपश्चिता ॥२१२॥ The disciple questioned :
212. After these five sheaths have been eliminated as unreal, I find nothing, O Teacher, in this universe but a Void, the absence of everything. What entity does there at all remain with which the wise man should realise his identity? ApniHindi.com
[ The position of the Buddhistic Shunyavâdins or Nihilists who deny that there remains anything positive after the ultimate analysis, is set forth in this Sloka as a prima facie view, and the refutation is given in the next few Slokas.]
श्रीगुरुरुवाच । सत्यमुक्तं त्वया विद्वनिपुणोऽसि विचारणे। .. अहमादिविकारास्ते तदभावोऽयमप्यनु ॥२१३ ॥ सर्वे येनानुभूयन्ते यः स्वयं नानुभूयते । तमात्मानं वेदितारं विद्धि बुद्धया सुसूक्ष्मया ॥ २१४ ॥ The Guru answered:
213-214. Thou hast rightly said, O learned one! Thou art clever indeed in discrimination.