अतो भवत्येष उपाधिरस्य
TEICHENI: Fecfar l 26cll 188. It always mistakes the duties, functions and attributes of the orders of life' which belong to the body, as its own. The knowledge sheath is exceedingly effulgent, owing to its close proximity to the Supreme Self, which identifying Itself with it suffers transmigration through delusion. It is therefore a superimposition on the Self.
[+Orders of life-Ashramas.] योऽयं विज्ञानमयः प्राणेषु हृदि स्फुरत्ययं ज्योतिः । कूटस्थः समात्मा कर्ता भोक्ता भवत्युपाधिस्थः ॥ १८ ॥
189. The self-effulgent Atman, which is Pure Knowledge, shines in the midst of the Prânas, within the heart. Though immutable, It becomes the agent and experiencer owing to Its superimposition, the knowledge sheath.
[The first part of this Sloka is a quotation from Brihadâranyaka Upa. IV. iii. 7.
In the midst &c.-great nearness is meant. Prâna means force; here the physiological and mental forces are referred to.
2 Within the heart-in Buddhi, the seat of which is supposed to be the heart. ] स्वयं परिच्छेदमुपेत्य बुद्धे
स्तादात्म्यदोषेण परं मृषात्मनः ।