[Object-cognisable by the Self which is the eternal subject.]
बुद्धिर्बुद्धीन्द्रियैः सार्ध सवृत्तिः कर्तृलक्षणः । विज्ञानमयकोशः स्यात्पुंसः संसारकारणम् ॥ १८४ ॥
184. Buddhi' with its modifications? and the organs of knowledge, having the characteristics of the agent, forms the Vijnânamaya Kosha or knowledge sheath, which is the cause of man's transmigration.
['Buddhi--the determinative faculty. 2Modifications-such as egoism, etc. 3 Having &c.-thinking, 'I am the agent '.]
WWW.Apni Hindi.com अनुव्रजश्चित्प्रतिबिम्बशक्ति
विज्ञानसंज्ञः प्रकृतेर्विकारः। शानक्रियावानहमित्यजत्रं
देहेन्द्रियादिष्वभिमन्यते भृशम् ॥ १८५॥ 185. This knowledge sheath, which seems to be followed by a reflection of the power of the Chit, is a modification of the Prakriti, is endowed with the function of knowledge, and always wholly identifies itself with the body and the organs, etc.
['Followed &c.--The knowledge sheath is in reality material and insentient, but a reflection of the Chit or Atman makes it appear as intelligent.
2Modification &c._and therefore insentient.]