creates the whole universe consisting of the enjoyer,' etc. And similarly in the waking state also, there is no difference. Therefore all this (phenomenal universe) is, the projection of the mind.
[The enjoyer &c.-i.e., the enjoyer, the enjoyable and enjoyment: subject object and their coming into relation.]
सुषुप्तिकाले मनसि प्रलीने
नैवास्ति किञ्चित्सकलप्रसिद्धः । भतो मनःकल्पित एव पुंसः
संसार एतस्य न वस्तुतोऽस्ति ॥ १७१॥ 171. In dreamless sleep, when the mind is reduced to its causal state, there exists nothing (for the person asleep), as is evident from universal experience. Hence man's relative existence is simply the creation of his mind, and has no objective reality.
[-Universal experience—The subject has been touched on already. See Sloka 121, ante.]
वायुनाऽऽनीयते मेघः पुनस्तेनैव नीयते ।
मनसा कल्प्यते बन्धो मोक्षस्तेनैव कल्यते ॥ १७२॥ 172. Clouds are brought in by the wind and again driven away by the same agency.