देहतद्धर्मतत्कर्मतदवस्थादि साक्षिणः ।
सत एव स्वतः सिद्धं तद्वैलक्षण्यमात्मनः ॥ १५७ ॥
157. That the Atman as the abiding Reality is different from the body, its characteristics,' its activities, and its states, etc., of which It is the witness, is self-evident.
['Characteristics-such as stoutness or leanness, etc. 2States-boyhood, youth, etc.]
शल्यराशिमांसलिप्तो मलपूर्णोऽतिकश्मलः । कथं भवेदयं वेत्ता स्वयमेतद्विलक्षणः ॥ १५८ ॥
158. WHow can the body, being a pack of bones, covered with flesh, and full of filth, and highly impure, be the self-existent Atman, the Knower, which is ever distinct from it ?
त्वङ्मांसमेदोऽस्थिपुरीषराशावहंमति मूढजनः करोति ।
विलक्षणं वेति विचारशीलो
निजस्वरूपं परमार्थभूतम् ॥ १५६ ॥
159. It is the foolish man who identifies himself with a mass of skin, flesh, fat, bones and filth, while the man of discrimination knows his own Self, the only Reality that there is, as distinct from the body.