136. By means of a regulated mind and the purified intellect (Buddhi), realise directly thy own Self, in the body, so as to identify thyself with It, cross the boundless ocean of Samsâra whose waves are birth and death, and firmly established in Brahman as thy own essence, be blessed.
[1With It-instead of with the gross, subtle and causal bodies.
"Established &c.-By our very nature we are ever identified with Brahman, but through ignorance we think we are limited and so forth.]
अत्रानात्मन्यहमिति मतिर्बन्ध एषोऽस्य पुंसः प्राप्तोऽशानाज्जननमरणक्लेशसंपातहेतुः ।
Benzi agfenececUÍACUIE:ZELI पुष्यत्युक्षत्यवति विषयैस्तन्तुभिः कोशकृद्वत् ॥ १३७ ॥
137. Identifying the Self with this nonSelf-this is the bondage of man, which is due to his ignorance, and brings in its train the miseries of birth and death. It is through this that one considers this evanescent body as real, and identifying oneself with it, nourishes, bathes,1 and preserves it by means of (agreeable) senseobjects, by which he becomes bound as the caterpillar by the threads of its cocoon.
['Bathes-keeps clean and tidy. "Sense-objects &c.-He
after sense-pleasures