VIVEKACHUDAMANI 49 सत्वं विशुद्धं जलवत्तथापि
ताभ्यां मिलित्वा सरणाय कल्पते । यत्रात्मविम्बः प्रतिबिम्बितः सन्
प्रकाशयत्यर्क इवाखिलं जडम् ॥ ११७॥ 117. Pure Sattva is (clear) like water, yet in conjunction with Rajas and Tamas it makes for transmigration. The reality of the Atman becomes reflected in the Sattva and like the sun reveals the entire world of matter.
मिश्रस्य सत्वस्य भवन्ति धर्मा
स्त्वमानिताद्या नियमा यमाद्याः। श्रद्धा च भक्तिश्च मुमुक्षुता च
___ दैवी च सम्पत्तिरसभिवृत्तिः ॥ ११८ ॥
118. The traits of mixed Sattva are an utter absence' of pride, etc., and Niyama' and Yama', etc., as well as faith, devotion, yearning for Liberation, the divine tendencies and turning away from the unreal.
[Absence &c.—The reference is to the higher attributes enumerated in the Bhagavad-Gita XIII. 8-12. ___ENiyama-Purity, contentment, etc.
3 Yama-Non-killing, truthfulness, etc. Vide Patanjali's Yoga Aphorisms III. 30 & 32.
Divine tendencies—The reference is to the opening Slokas of Gita, Ch. XVI.]