84. Whoever seeks to realise the Self by devoting himself to the nourishment of the body, proceeds to cross a river by catching hold of a crocodile, mistaking it for a log.
मोह एव महामृत्युमुमुक्षोर्षपुरादिषु। मोहो विनिर्जितो येन स मुक्तिपदमर्हति ॥ ८५॥
85. So for a seeker after Liberation the infatuation' over things like the body is a dire death. He who has thoroughly conquered this deserves the state of Freedom.
['Infatuation—that I am the body, or that the body, etc., are mine.] - म ndi com .
मोहं जहि महामृत्युं देहदारसुतादिषु। यं जित्वा मुनयो यान्ति तद्विष्णोः परमं पदम् ॥ ८६ ॥
86. Conquer the infatuation over things like the body, one's wife and children, conquering which the sages reach that Supreme State of Vishnu.
["Supreme State &c.—From Rig-Veda, I. xxii. 20-21.) त्वङ्मांसरुधिरनायुमेदोमजास्थिसंकुलम् ।
पूर्ण मूत्रपुरीषाभ्यां स्थूलं निन्द्यमिदं वपुः॥ ८७॥ 87. This gross body is to be deprecated, for it consists of the skin, flesh, blood, arteries and veins, fat, marrow and bones, and is full of other offensive things.