[IThe sky &c.-These are the materials out of which the gross body has been formed. They have got two states, one subtle and the other gross.]
परस्परांशैमिलितानि भूत्वा
स्थूलानि च स्थूलशरीरहेतवः । मात्रास्तदीया विषया भवन्ति
शब्दादयः पञ्च सुखाय भोक्तुः॥ ७४ ॥
74. Being united' with parts of one another and becoming gross, (they) form the gross body. And their subtle essences' form' sense-objectsthe groups of five such as sound" and the rest which conduce to the happiness of the experiencer, the individual soul.
["Being united &c.--The process is as follows: Each of the five elements is divided into two parts. One of the two halves is further divided into four parts. Then each gross element is formed by the union of one-half of itself with one-eighth of each of the other four.
2Subtle essences-Tanmatras. 3Form &c-by being received by the sense-organs. 4Sound. 6.c.-sound, touch, smell, taste and sight.
5Happiness &c.-Happiness includes its opposite, misery also.]
· य एषु मूढा विषयेषु बद्धा
रागोरुपाशेन सुदुर्दमेन।