153 परावरैकत्वविवेकहि
हत्यविद्यागहनं शेषम् । किं स्यात्पुनः संसरणस्य बीज
मद्वैतभावं समुपेयुषोऽस्य ॥ ३४६ ॥ 346. The knowledge of the identity of Brahman and Jiva entirely consumes the impenetrable forest of Avidyâ or Nescience. For one who has realised the state of Oneness, is there any seed left for future transmigration ?
आवरणस्य निवृत्तिर्भवति हि सम्यकपदार्थदर्शनतः । मिथ्याज्ञानविनाशस्तद्विक्षेपजनितदुःखनिवृत्तिः॥ ३४७॥
347. The veil that hides Truth vanishes only when the Reality is fully realised. (Thence follow) the destruction of false knowledge and the cessation of misery brought about by its distracting influence.
पतत्रितयं दृष्टं सम्यप्रानुस्वरूपविज्ञानात् । तस्माद्वस्तुसतत्त्वं ज्ञातव्यं बन्धमुक्तये विदुषा ॥ ३४८॥
348. These three are observed in the case of a rope when its real nature is fully known. Therefore the wise man should know the real nature of things for the breaking of his bonds.
अयोऽनियोगादिव सत्समन्वया
· मात्रादिरूपेण विजृम्भते धीः ।