यत्परं सकलवागगोचर
गोचरं विमलबोधचक्षुषः । शुद्धचिद्घनमनादि वस्तु य
ब्रह्म तत्त्वमसि भावयात्मनि ॥ २५५ ॥
255. That Supreme Brahman which is beyond the range of all speech, but accessible to the eye of pure illumination; which is pure, the Embodiment of Knowledge, the beginningless entity;—that Brahman art thou, meditate on this in thy mind.
W. Anni Hindi.com षडभिरूमिभिरयोगि योगिह
द्भावितं न करणैर्विभावितम्। बुद्धयवेद्यमनवद्यमस्ति य
ब्रह्म तन्वमसि भाषयात्मनि ॥ २५६ ॥
256. That which is untouched by the sixfold wavel; meditated upon by the Yogi's heart, but not grasped by the sense-organs; which the Buddhi cannot know; and which is unimpeachable;-that Brahman art thou, meditate on this in thy mind.
[ 'Sixfold wave-viz., decay and death, hunger and thirst, grief and delusion, which overtake the body and mind. ]