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234. Question: Which are the natures that bind alternately and continuously? Answer: Devagati, Devagatyānupūrvi, ManushyaGati, ManushyaGatyānupūrvi, TimanchGati, Tiryaḥ Kāpūdhaḥ Audārik Śarīra, Audārik Śarīrāngopaṅga, Vaikriyik Śarīra, Vaikriyik Śarīrāngopaṅga, SamachaturasraSaṁsthāna, Vajrarṣamanārāca Saṁhanana, Praśasta VihāyogaTi, ParaghātaYugal, Pañcendriya Jāti, Sādi 10, Sātāvedaniya, Hāsya, Rati, Puruṣaved and Gotra Yugal, these 32 natures bind alternately in the presence of the opponent and bind continuously in the absence of the opponent. That is, they are both-binding. 235. Question: What is called Bhāgahāra and how many types are there? Answer: The results of the worldly beings, due to which the auspicious and inauspicious karmas are transferred - change into another form, is called Bhāgahāra. It has 5 types - Udvelana Saṁkramaṇa, Vidhyāta Saṁkramaṇa, Adhaḥ Pravṛtta Saṁkramaṇa, Guṇa Saṁkramaṇa and SarvaSaṁkramaṇa.
1. Prasādi Das, that is, Tras, Bādar, Paryāpta, Pratiyaka, Sthira Shubha, Subhaga, Susvara, Ādeya and Yaśa-Kīrti.