the commentary of Haradatta on Ekāgnikānda, where, after asserting" एकाग्निकाण्डमन्त्राणां व्याख्या सम्यावधीयते'' he takes up the Viśwe Deva Mantras with the remarks "EL FERI आदितो वैश्वदेवमन्त्रानधीयते" meaning thereby that the Viswe Dera Mantras are the beginning of Ekāgnikānda. Some are of opinion that the Mantrapraśnas of this Ekāgnikāņda were collected and arranged in the present form by Apastamba, the author of the Kalpasūtras, and they had no independent order of recitation like Sambită, etc. This does not appear to be the correct view for the following reasons :
1. If Apastamba bad collected these Mantras in his Kalpasūtra, he would have stated them in the same order in which he has enumerated the Gșhyakarmas.
2. Sudarśanārya, in his commentary on the Apastamba Gșhyasūtra (4th Patala, 10th Kānda), clearly states that the Gșhyamantras form part of the Veda and not of the Kalpasūtras. “TEN471: HHIHIg ga a CTHETRI: " 2
3. In enumerating the various sections of the Veda, Bhatta Bhāskara, in the introduction to his Bhāsya on the Taittiriya Samhitā, has treated Ekāgnikāņda as an independent section of the Vedas. "अथैकाग्निकाण्डं प्रसुग्मन्तेति graag alahan?
In issuing the first volume of this Descriptive Catalogue, I have great pleasure in acknowledging gratefully the services rendered by the members of the staff of the Oriental Library.
Government Oriental Library Series, Ekagnikāņda. p. 1.
2 Government Oriental Library Series, Apastamba Gșhyasūtra, p. 154.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat