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made by Ananda, a newly converted disciple of Mahavira: "Truly, Reverend sir, it does not befit me from this day forward to praise and worship any man of a heretic community or any of the Devas or objects of reverence of a heretic community; or without being first addressed by them to address them or converse with them; or to give them or supply them with food and drink or delicacies or dainties except it be by the command of the King or the community or any powerful man or a deva or by the orders of one's elders or by the exigencies of living."
For initiation into the Sangha, a layman was required first to renounce five faults (afaar), first, doubt (Fr), secondly, the desire to belong to another faith (in), thirdly, misgivings about the reality of the fruits of Karma (fafafar), fourthly, praise of hypocrites (a) and fifthly, all association with them (Azaan). That done, he was to take the twelve lay vows. (1) The vow never intentionally to destroy a jiva that has more than one sense (स्थूलप्राणातिपातविरमण ). This vow would not prevent a king leading any army in defence of his kingdom; but it forbids the killing of weak and of acting as agent provocateur. It forbids animal sacrifice. (2) The vow never to indulge in falsehood or exaggeration (स्थूलमृषावादविरमण). vow enjoins commercial honesty and forbids rash speech, revelation of secrets relating to one's wife, giving false evidence, forgery etc. (3) The vow never to steal (स्थूलअदत्तादानविमण), the vow including stealth from house, highway-robbery, misappropriation of funds, etc., (4) the vow of chastity (da) by which a man promises to be absolutely faithful to his own wife at all times and never to allow any evi! thoughts in his own mind about other women. The vows may be infringed by such activity as evil talk, excessive sexual indulgence, match-making and match-brokerage, unfaithfulness before marriage, and consummating marriage with a girl before she has attained her puberty. (5) The vow of limitation of
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat